Goat meat tends to be milder and slightly sweeter when compared to lamb meat. Lamb meat is richer and tastes gamey. Nutrition: Goat tends to have more protein than mutton or lamb. Regarding fat content, lamb has more of it than goat meat.
Goat meat is low in saturated fats and has more of the recommended unsaturated fats. Goat meat also has lower levels of cholesterol compared to other meats. Low cholesterol and low saturated fat in the diet may help to decrease the risk of developing heart disease. Goat is a good source of high quality lean protein.
The predominant meat goat breed, the Boer, originated in South Africa. They are heavily muscled and produce a lean carcass. Boer goats are also polyestrous, which means they can breed throughout the year. Under good management, many does are known to rebreed while still nursing.